Advertisements/Results |
Notification regarding Interview for various posts under NHM on Contractual.
List of provisionally selected candidates for the posts of superspecialists, consultants and MOs under NHM on contractual basis. .
Postponed the interview for MOs , until further notice .
List of candidates for the interview for the posts of Superspecialist and Specialist and Medical Officer (MBBS) on under NHM 2024-25
Continuation with Notification No.118/2024-25/NHM/HR Dated 27/11/2024 for candidates of Medical Officers.
Walk-in Interview for Super-specialists, Specialists and Medical Officers on contractual basis. (2024-25)
Recruitment of various contractual positions under NHM Ladakh (2024-25).
Selected candidates for the consultant Physician posts.
Walk-in Interview for Specialists on contractual basis..
2nd Waiting List Selection of Medical Officers on Contractual Basis.
Waiting List Selection of Medical Officers on Contractual Basis.
Provisionally Selected candidates for the posts of Consultants.
Result of Walkin Interview conducted for various posts under NMHS-2 Survey
Walk-in- Interview Announcement for FY 2024-25 under NHM for Consultant Posts.
Interview Announcement for FY 2024-25 under NMHS-2
Waiting List for available seats against the posts of Medical Officers on contractual basis
Provisionally Selected candidates for the posts Medical Officers MBBS under NHM 2024-25
Recruitment of Survey Coordinator and Data collector under NMHS on contractrual positions.
Result of Walkin Interview for various consultant posts .
Correction in the selected List of candidates for the posts of CHOs .
Provisionally selected & waiting List of candidates for the posts of CHOs .
Walkin Interview for Superspecialists, Specialists,SSO, MOS on Contractual basis.
Advertisement for recruitment of CHO's Withdrawn.
Contractual appointment of CHOs under NHM Ladakh and application form.
Walkin Interview for the Superspecialists and Specialist
Results Declared for the Specialists and Medical Officers Walkin Interview of FY 2024
Walkin Interview for Specialists, SuperSpecialists & Medical Officers for FY 2024
Selection & Waiting list along with merit wise result of written examinaton held for various paramedical posts.
Appointment order of Dental Surgeon on a contractual basis under NHM, UT Ladakh
Waiting list & provisionally selected lists for various contractual posts under NHM
Notice regarding examination of various paramedical posts
Last waiting list provisionally selected for Medical Officer's posts under NHM.
Result: Provisionally selected and waiting list of candidates for the Dentral Surgeon posts.
Date and Time schedule for interview of the shortlisted candidates for various contractual posts under NHM
Examinations date scheduled against various posts of NHM
Syallabus for written Examinations for various posts of NHM
Shortlisted candidates eligible for appearing in written test against various posts of NHM
Shortlisted candidates & interview schedule regarding engagement of Human resources for various health institutions
Interview shedule of shortlisted candidates eligible for interview of Dental Surgeon under NHM Ladakh
Shortlisted candidates eligible for interview of Dental Surgeon under NHM Ladakh
Fifth waiting list update for the Medical Officers posts
Relaxation in the essential experiencxe requirements against AFHC Posts
Accepting Provisional Certificates for the posts of FMPHW & Lab Technicians against Advertisement 03
Two posts for Ophthalmic Assistant -Corrigendum to Advertisement 03
Recruitment of various contractual posts under NHM
4th waiting List of Medical Officers in NHM Ladakh
Advertisement for various contractual posts under NHM Ladakh 2023-24
Waiting List List of Medical Officers
Selection List of Medical Officers
Selection List of SIO, Specialists and Superspecialists
Walkin Interview for MO, SIO, Specialists and Superspecialists
Results of the interview held against various contractual posts of ABPMJAY
Hiring of Chartered Accountant Services for Statutory Audit
Scheduled interview for Shortlisted candidates of SHA Ladakh
List of Shortlisted candidates for interview against vacancies of SHA Ladakh
Waiting List of AYUSH MOs for PHCs and RBSK in NHM Ladakh
Selection List of Pharmacists in NHM Ladakh
Selection List of various contractual posts under National Tele Mental Health Programme (Tele-Manas) in NHM Ladakh
Selection List of Candidates for Medical Officers (MBBS) in NHM Ladakh
Selection List of Candidates for various posts under NHM
Contractual Appointments Under State Health Agency Ladakh
Walk In Interview for Medical Officers in NHM Ladakh
List of Eligible candidates & Schedule of Written Test for Pharmacists
Recruitment of Pharmacists under NHM and Admit Card to be filled
CHOs Place of Posting
list of Shortlisted and Applied candidates for various contractual posts under NHM
Shortlisted and Waiting-List candidates under ABDM Programme
Shortlisted candidates for interview under TeleMANAS Programme
List of candidates applied for different posts under NHM Ladakh for the FY 2022-23
Candidates applied for posts under National Tele-MANAS
Shortlisted candidates and Interview dates for Notification_No_ABDM-PMU-HR012022
Annexure A and B of ABDM
Adverstisement for Contractrual Appointments
Walkin Interview of Specialists
Addendum to Advertisement No. 190/SHS/UTL/NHM/HR of 2022
Advertisement and Application for contractual appointments in NHM
Advertisement notice under NHM for various posts
Application form for various posts under NHM
Recruitment against various posts under ABDM
Appointment Order of Medical Officers
Joining of Medical Officers
Syllabus for Entrance exams -BPCCHN